Wednesday 1 December 2010

This is my overall plan for my bouncing ball animation, the ball will gain height from bouncing a few times, then change course landing on the 1st step and do the same again except the ball will use its tail to roll onto the next step, it will see the height and then continue in the same pattern as the 1st bounce from the starting point and will hop slightly to gain balance on the highest point looking over to estimate and plan its next bouncing then bouncing only once off each step on the way down, rolling on the final landing aim is maintain some fluidity of the tail.

As you can see my drawing has improved tremendously as I decided to practice at home and read through force book more thoroughly looking at curves defining the shape, not restricting hand movement, allowing my hand to move more fluently and dont rub out as the drawing will convey more movement and expression.

Life drawing

As you can see i did not fully understand how to develop anatomy and muscle in depth sometimes not knowing a starting point but with some help I have studied the human form from previous life drawing classes and became curious to practice more using the force book which gives step by step guide, hints and tips creating the human form using strong curves, simple shapes, not adding so much detail get the basic form first.

Thursday 25 November 2010

This is my first test for the bouncing ball animation, I did some thorough in depth research considering the fluidity of the movement, I wanted to make sure it looked more natural so I overlapped some key frames to smoothen the motion after every bounce. I was pleased with the outcome and will continue to improve with every new animation I do considering the principles I have learned from lessons online and offline in class and at home. i managed to find a good resource to help guide step by step on the position of the ball.... and also

This is my second attempt on the ball bouncing across screen, i edited the guide given to me by my teacher steve from my 1st yr in level 0 and spread the space apart from the ball and slowed the transition down as it reached its highest peak in the air. Its a better improvement from my last attempt and i have picked up hints and tips.

This is 1st attempt at the bounce animation of my ball going across the screen, my goal was to maintain some realism, I hope to improve on this technique in the future, unfortunately because the frame rate was 25 frames and I had the settings put to HD pal which made it seem a little fast, I hope you all like it, I thought it looked good for my 1st time. I used a backdrop JPG image for a ball bounce as a guide for this animation.

Tuesday 18 May 2010

This is my final animation for the flour sac, it took me a while to get used to the shape and form and keepin it consistent but im becoming more ambitious with my work in the future i hope to get better within 2D because its exanding in the industry and is becoming more popular world wide but i still prefer 3D.

Tuesday 27 April 2010

Walk cycle

I had a problem with the drawing because originally i did not have a graphics tablet to support me until half way through the animation. Therefore the animation changed its appearance slightly due this to this cause.

Jump Cycle

Jump cycle more clearer as i used a graphics tablet which made my drawings more fluent, fine and vert clear to see.

Crawl cycle

Crawl Cycle (this was very hard as the concept of him changing from a standing stance to crawling was hard as there was no tutorial to help me, i had to improvise.)